Dr. Ashley Nelson
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Ashley Nelson is a Naturopathic Doctor who loves to support people in
improving their health, one step at a time. She is passionate about helping people understand their bodies better, and developing individual plans to truly support someone’s health and wellness. She also believes in meeting people where they are at – radical diets and drastic changes will often fail people in the long run. Prioritizing the changes that will have the biggest impact, and making small, achievable steps to getting there is tends to work better.
Dr. Nelson received her undergraduate degree in Honours Biology from the University of Waterloo followed by her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Dr. Nelson completed her preceptor hours at Waypoint Center for Mental
Health gaining valuable exposure and experience with complex mental health needs.
She has done advanced training in Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, Ontario Prescribing and Therapeutics, Medical CBT, and Integrative Psychiatry.